
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Its a First

She only looks cute.

Not really.  She is just as sweet as she is cute.  And even more energetic.  Which is why I am constantly telling Jessa to stop running.  Even more so than her big sister because Jessa is super tall and is growing super fast.  At barely 5yrs old (April baby) she is already wearing size 6 pants; and even they are beginning to look short.  Hubs may have been joking when he said it but I swear he may be right - that girl grows so fast her body doesn't have time to adjust to her new height, which is why she is so clumsy and always falling down.  Especially when she runs.

And the girl loves to run.

Our latest "stop running" incident happened at TKD on Monday.  As usual I picked the girls up from school and headed over to Jason Yi's.  They got changed and had a snack.  Ten minutes before class gave them about five minutes to run around the mat and burn off some of that energy before class starts - they have a lot of energy to burn and being cooped up in classes all day is such a downer.  But instead of running on the mat like they are supposed to Jessa chose the wood floor as her stomping ground.

As I stand to go retrieve the "Graduation" flyer I spotted I see a blur of Jessa streak past followed by a rather loud thud.  I didn't even have time to turn around before the crying and screaming started.  Of course when you have a child who is always running and always falling you begin to chalk it up as yet another "I told you so" moment.  And I did.

After hoisting her up off the floor and making her sit in the nearest chair I took a deep breath and went after that elusive flyer I had my eyes on before the screaming started.  By now I'm used to her over dramatic crying and screaming fits when she does something to hurt herself so I really just chalked it up as another Jessa moment.  But she just wouldn't stop crying.  After a few minutes I knew something was definitely wrong but there was no blood, no cuts, no bruising, and no swelling.  We were offered ice before but I turned it down because there were no signs of injury and I honestly thought she hurt her pride more than her body.  Little did I know.  I finally relented and got her the ice pack.

Twenty minutes passed and she finally relaxed enough to pass out.  That or she was so exhausted from the shock and pain  -  not to mention she may have hit her head and I didn't know it.  This was a possibility considering when I went to retrieve her from the floor her arms and head were crammed up against the metal framework of the glass front of TKD.  She only slept for a few minutes but it was enough to make her feel a little better.

After such a traumatic experience one would think a 5yr old girl would want to do little else, and although getting her to join her class was a no-go once we got home you wouldn't think she did anything to hurt herself.  Other than favoring her left hand she gave no indication she was hurting.  After some pain meds and an ace wrap she was more than ready for bed, and she passed out quite easily.  Looking back at it now I should have been more concerned she may have had a concussion.  Of course that was negated when she woke up screaming and crying later that night.  Apparently she rolled over on her wrist and it didn't feel too good.

It took me a while to get her calm again.  Some more pain meds and a quick drink; a snuggle and a kiss and off to dream land she went.

The next morning she was hurting but not so bad that she couldn't do anything so I sent her to school with her hand/arm wrapped and called her Dr to make an appt just to be on the safe side.  Good thing too.  As it turns out, based on the call I got today after her x-rays were reviewed, she has fractured her radius near the wrist and possibly the ulna as well.  Fantastic.

So after all those years of yelling at her to stop running or she will break a bone she finally did.  Fractured her first bone.  Oh well.  I suspect this will not be the only time our little ball of energy breaks or fractures something.  At least now we know - and by the way, hubs, I was right.  We DID need to keep it wrapped.

Hopefully the Ortho appt this afternoon will warrant a cast.  Not that I want a cast on her arm/hand, but given her level of energy and her ability to injure herself I'd rather have a cast on her now than have to deal with long term problems from the bones not healing properly.

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