
Friday, February 7, 2014

This is a Test. This is Only a Test.

If I thought the beginning of the week was stressful, the end of week beat it by a mile.  A million miles.

Bringing myself down to Earth after landing a job proceeding a four year search was easier said than done.  I must have stayed on Cloud 9 until at least Friday.  Super excited to start a job; stressed out from trying to ensure everything is prepared and ready to go for the job; even more stressed out getting childcare set for both girls.  Its been a high stress week and Friday topped it off - not so beautifully.

I had promised a long time ago that I would eat lunch with them at school one day but I always found excuses to not do so.  Realizing that would no longer be an option as of Monday I set about making plans to have lunch with Jessa on Wednesday and lunch with Samantha on Thursday.  It was a nice surprise for both and honestly, the food our kids are being served in the lunchroom was pretty good.  I was really opposed to letting them eat school processed lunches everyday, which is why they generally take their lunchboxes, but after seeing what their are being served, and eating it too, I'm much more at ease and ready to let them buy lunch more often.  Especially since we can afford it more after I begin work on Monday.

With the rest of the week being so productive it really bites the big one that Friday, and Saturday were so unproductive.

Friday afternoon, my last bus stop afternoon pick up (sad day) the girls and I walked home as usual but the conversation between Jessa and I was anything but normal.  First words out of her mouth after she gets off the bus are "Mommy, I have a rock in my ear."  Ummmmmm.  What ?

Yeah, I was kind of taken back by this comment.  What mom believes their child has a rock in their ear?  I, unfortunately, did not.  We get home; I see dirt in her ear opening.  I see a pencil mark on her cheek.  A flashlight shows me something but I'm still not seeing a rock.  Okay.  Time to call the Dr's office.

I get referred to the local Urgent Care and off Jessa and I go on our Friday evening adventure.

A quick check in, vitals taken, and finally the Dr arrives.  Nice lady.  She peeks in Jessa's ear and says "Yep, there is something in there."  A pair of tweezers come into play and even though I can hear the Dr scrapping something that sounds like a rock I still can't believe it.  There is just no way my daughter has a rock in her ear.  So I ask to see it.


After some grilling Jessa finally gives up the truth - she saw a rock on her friends shoe, and for whatever reason,,,,,,,,,,put it in her ear.  I don't know why.  Neither does she.  But hey, she's five.  What else do we expect?

Several attempts and the Dr simply cannot get it loose.  So we're referred to the ER.  And off we go again.

Another check in.  More vitals.  And another Dr.  This one I didn't like so much.  Gave one really lame attempt to get the rock out but quit saying "I can't do this."

So here we are ......  waiting until Monday when we can call around and find a Dr capable and available.

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