
Monday, February 17, 2014

Week One and Done

I cannot begin to tell you how super excited I am to be back at work.  I know.....a little late on the details, but better late than never.

Monday was great.  Last Monday that is.  My first day of work went rather well for a typical last minute government job.  I spent most of the morning waiting around with three other ladies, for someone to get us up and running.  By lunchtime it was pretty set in stone that wasn't going to happen that day.  Probably not the next either.  And sure it enough it didn't.  So my first two days of work were spend pulling files and logging case numbers for another section of the office.  Honestly, I would rather deal with the countless paper cuts than sit around and do nothing.

By Wednesday we were up.  Training in the a.m. and live work by that afternoon.  Of course Thursday was a bust as it snowed ----15" here.  And more that night.  Friday brought hope we would be at work but after a few text to my new boss - no-go.  Apparently no one else was going in so we couldn't .  Oh well.  My first week of work turned into three days of work.  I'll take that.

As for Jessa and her rock's out.  Hubs called on Monday morning.  Got an appointment for Tuesday afternoon only to have them call back to reschedule for Wednesday.  By Wednesday afternoon I was pretty fed up with the nonchalant attitude the ENT field seems to have for child care.  Of course after the rock was out I couldn't give a damn about any of them.  My baby girl was finally free of debris.  Yippee.

So with all the snow, an empty ear, and lots of time off I managed to get absolutely nothing accomplished.  Haha.  Not a thing got done all weekend.  Mainly because I have just felt drained.  And John has too.  Its like a damn disease that just won't go away.  But now its Monday night and I'm feeling the crunch of getting no laundry done and no shirts ironed for hubs.  Oh well.  We will just have to deal.

Tomorrow begins week two at work.  Week two for the girls to attend SACC - which they thoroughly enjoy.  Another week of hell for John at work (I swear I wish he would actually LOOK for a new job rather than mop about how much he hates this one).  And another step closer to getting out of all this medically induced financial debt.

I've got plans and I want to see them achieved, but they can't happen if John doesn't work with me.  For ten years we have been out of sinc with finances and now I am finally able to contribute - now is not the time to quit on me.  Now is the time to tighten down the straps.  Lets get this crap paid off and finally start saving for a real retirement.

Friday will be my first paycheck and it will barely cover 1.5 weeks of SACC but it does bring us into week two; a larger paycheck means a larger payoff.  We should have enough to pay for 2 weeks of SACC and possibly enough to make an extra payment on one of the cards.  We'll just have to see.

Well, wrinkled shirts are calling so I better get at least one ironed before tomorrow morning.

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