
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Catching Up Part 2

Wow.  Its hard to believe its already been one week since we got spoiled at Bush Gardens.  Back to the grind stone it is then.

I figured this week I would try spending more time doing things I used to do - clean the house every day; laundry always done; kitchen always clean.  Yeah.  One can dream.  Aside from the kitchen being clean more often I haven't made much progress in anything else so I thought "Self, you need some motivation."  And my self answered  "Why, yes you do."  So I loaded the girls in the car and headed over to Wal-Mart (I absolutely hate that place but when it comes to cheap fabric WallyWorld is it around here).

We dug through the back to school bins and located some cheap buys in there.  Stocked up on glue, paper, notebooks, etc.  Is it that time already?  Guess so.

Next we headed over to the electronics to acquire a Basic Talk item.  Hubs and I agree - if it wasn't for the security system on the house having to be linked to a land line we simply wouldn't have a home phone.  Alas we must have one so why not make it a cheap one?

On our way to cash out I passed by my Achilles heel - bargain fabric.  Roll upon roll of nice looking fabric for a fraction of the cost and most were not more than $2 a yard.  You'd have to be a fool not to at least look.  And we did.  And we picked out several fabrics.  And we bought way too many.  Well, maybe not.

Samantha hasn't had much in the way of new clothes this past school year.  Most of what she did get was hand-me-downs and presents.  Occasionally I would find a sale worth hitting up and I managed to score some pretty sweet deals but those sales were few and far between.  And poor Jessica; what clothes she got was nearly all hand-me-downs.  Its a rare event that my littlest angel gets something new to wear but when she does she is all smiles, so when I scored a major bargain on all that fabric I just couldn't resist making something new for both girls.

First - Tinkerbell shoes for Halloween.  These aren't quite done (they need a ribbon to tie the backs up so the girls don't trip in them) but they are cute.

Second - Jessica needs an interview outfit for her pageant at the end of the month.  I'd been toying with some ideas in my head as to what to make her, and I have to say when hubs insisted on an all white dress I was not very enthusiastic; however, this little beauty is a show stopper.  The dress or the girl you ask?  BOTH.  Of course little miss is all to happy to pose for pictures.

Third, and probably last for tonight - Samantha got a new dress.  I started with an older tank top she had in her drawer.  Something plain white and a tad large on her now but perfect for what I was wanting to do.  With a couple of hours and less than a yard of material she traded in an over-sized tank for a perfect fitting dress.

Its a start and hopefully by the end of next week I'll have even more items to post.  In the meantime I'm off to clean the kitchen so the cat doesn't get into anything since she's gotten accustomed to roaming counters at night.  Ugh, how I hate that.  Can't stand the thought of cats on my counters and tables.  Makes me want to gag.  What I really want to do is put her in a cage so she can't roam at night but of course hubs won't have any of that.  Maybe he'll let me get her a shock collar and I can randomly press the button at night just to keep her on her toes.  Bet she wouldn't jump on my table and try stealing the girls lunch then.  Well, at least I can dream.  LOL.

And until my dreams come true I have two little monkeys who have learned how to climb walls.  Literally.

Love those little monkeys.

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