
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Some people should never be parents

Normally I don't voice my opinion as to someone's personal parenting style because, well, lets face it, we all parent differently and every kid is different.  What works for one family may not work at all for another, so unless there is some sort of obvious neglect or abuse happening I just let parents parent the way they see fit.

That said I really think some people should never have had kids.

I used to babysit for a neighbor.  She was sweet enough and her husband was always quite but that baby of theirs was another story completely.  She cried and screamed all the time, refused to eat solids when it came time, and gave me the hardest time when trying to get her to take a bottle (mom breast fed).  Honestly the poor child spent more time alone because that seemed to be when she was happiest.  So when it was nap time I'd put a few toys in the bed with her and when she woke up she would just sit and play.  I always felt bad because it seemed like no matter how hard I tried I just could not make her happy.  As it turned out (and I found out strictly by accident) the entire time she was suffering with massive ear infections.  So bad they had to put tubes in her ears.  Poor baby.  Now I really do feel bad for her.

Then one day, out of the blue her mom says she is pulling "G" to put her in a real school environment.  I was completely shocked as when we started that venture she had agreed that when it came time for her to pull G she would give me some advanced notice.  But to show up on a Thursday and tell me Friday will be her last day - not advanced enough.  At first I was disappointed.  I loved G even if she was rarely happy.  After a while I was thankful I no longer had to listen to her constant whaling, and was grateful to know peace was restored.

I haven't talked to G's mom or dad since they pulled her but I do on occasion check out mom's blog just to see how G is doing.  That's how I found out about the ear infections and tubes.  That's also why I say some people have no business be parents.

This week I checked in to see how G was doing and what I read on mom's blog was so offensive I was appalled for G.  Mom, who is a complete fashion whore (and I mean that with the upmost respect) actually had the audacity to call her two year old daughter an "asshole."  SERIOUSLY ??  An asshole?

Isn't that the child you tried so hard to have you nearly went bankrupt with medical procedure after procedure   Isn't this the child you wanted so bad you cried because she wasn't here yet?  Isn't she the daughter you wanted so you could dress her up and make her look like a mini-you?  So what the hell would possess you to call her an asshole.  Worse yet, why would you do it on a public blog, knowing good and well when G grows up she is going to read that for herself?

How could one person be so offensive?  Especially to her own child.  Then I thought about all the posts I see her blog about - fashion, me, me, me, G, fashion, me, me, me.  This mommy is about the most selfish person I have ever had the misfortune of meeting.  Ever.  Every day its a post of pic after pic of herself in some new outfit (OMG....can you PLEASE pic a different pose for once).  Only on Tuesdays is there any real reference to G and when you see pics of G she is always dressed like a baby.

Ok, I get it.  Rompers are cute.  ON INFANTS.  If you are still dressing your 2+ year old daughter in rompers while obsessively posting pics of yourself in new outfits one has to wonder if you are feeling threatened that G may cuter than you are.  And if your posts about G include such derogatory comments as calling her an asshole because she isn't cooperating with your selfish need to party all night long with you college buddies then we really have to question why in the hell did you have a kid in the first place?  If all you are going to do is whine about how awful G is; how obnoxious G is; how rude G is then maybe you shouldn't have had a baby.  Especially when you had to break the bank to get one.

All I can say is for all your whining; all your sad stories of desperation and hopelessness; all those tales of how unfulfilled you were without a child you sure as hell don't treat her like she is your everything.

I'm not the perfect mother.  Nor will I ever proclaim to be, but clearly anyone can tell my girls are my life.  I would give them anything I could if it meant they were happy and healthy.  And yes, I do get upset at my daughters.  I even yell on occasion; however, I would never call either one of them an asshole and I sure as hell wouldn't publish it in a public blog for the world to see.

I truly feel sorry for G.  One day she will read all those nasty, selfish, and hateful things her mother wrote about her.  One day she will realize that not only did her mother disrespect her and treat her like crap publicly but that she was disgraced by her own mother internationally.

Not even my mother was that cruel, but like I said; some people should never be parents.  Especially when they are so self-absorbed and selfish that they feel their own child warrants such disrespect on a public forum.

That said, I am going to hug both my girls; tuck them in their own beds; kiss them; tell them how much I love them both; let them know they are my world.  Because truth be told - they are my world.

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