
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Its a super secret awesome place.

Months ago hubs company decided to put together a summer event - they do it every year but most years, actually every year we don't attend.  Honestly, I have no desire to sit around and hob-snob it with a bunch of petty women with whom I probably have extremely little in common.  And with hubs back surgeries we really couldn't attend even if we wanted to.  So when this summer's event list comes around for some strange reason hubs decides to sign us up.  Why?  Still not sure but I'm chalking it up to a free hotel and entrance fees for 3 days to ..........wait for it.............

After more than four years I finally have to put on a happy face, learn how to hold my tongue, and smile even when what I'd rather do is be home watching the DVR, or reading a book, or doing something with the girls, but alas, this year I have to suck it up and learn to play nice.  And for hubs sake I can do that.  For a short while anyway.

The girls still don't know where we're going although I have managed to bribe an entire day of house cleaning out of them in exchange for going to said super secret awesome place.  Today they helped me by putting away all their toys - well, almost.  The toys that got moved from the main level did make it upstairs to the playroom, however, they didn't make it much past the door to the playroom.  Oh well.  Tomorrow I'll be bribing them to help clean that up.  What fun.

So Bush Gardens and Water Country USA it is.  We almost decided not to go considering recent events but that would not have been very fair to the girls, so even though John has a pending job loss hanging over our heads, and I am faced with more major dental work, we are going to BG for a few reasons - 1) Hubs compmany is paying for the entrance fees to both parks for three days, 2) they are also paying for a room at the KingsMill Resort for two nights, 3) because if the pending income loss, this may well be the only really outstanding thing the girls get to do this summer.

That said, we do get to mark a few more things off our list

#21 Dance in the rain
#74 Do a leaf rubbing
#97 Make snow cones

Tomorrow its making cookies, doing laundry, packing, cleaning the upstairs, and doing some more homeschool lessons.  Oh, all that and we're headed out to MamaLue and Papa's for a cookout.

Hope everyone else enjoys their 4th as much as we will.

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