
Monday, July 22, 2013

Pain and pageants.

All I can say is I will be SOOOOOOO glad when things get settled down again and we can afford to have permanent implants put in my jaw.  This shit sucks.  Five days later and I'm still in pain.  The last time I had to have a tooth yanked I hurt for the first couple of days then was fine.  Took longer for the wound to heal than for me to stop hurting.

This time my entire jaw is in pain.  Check that - my entire right side of the face is in pain.  Even my eyes hurt.  And I'm already tired of taking all these meds.  I get the antibiotic - I really need the infection to go away and never come back.  I get the Motrin helps with inflammation.  But a week later and my face is still swollen and I still require the strong pain killers.

Have I said before how much I hate meds?  Especially strong meds?  I'm just not a med person so having to take this stuff is really annoying.  I get why but I still don't like it.  The good news is I should be done with the Motrin and the antibiotic today.  I started taking half a pain killer instead of a whole one because I really hate how sleepy it makes me.  Half a pill seems to last 4-5 hours before my jaw begins feeling like some little minion is pounding away at it with a jack-hammer.  Yeah, that shit hurts.

At half a pill every 6 hours I should have enough to get me through the next two days but then what?  I'm really worried the pain won't stop considering it took this long to subside any at all.  My follow up appt isn't until the 31st and my regular dentist is out of town until the beginning of August.  So now I'm worrying that I will still be hurting so bad that I need (not want, but really need) the meds and may run out.  That's why I'm gonna try extending my pill times out to at least 6 hours.  Hopefully I can make it to 8 hours but I'm somehow doubting that will happen today.  Either way I really need to be at a level of pain that I can tolerate before I run out of meds.

Ok, enough of my whining.  What is happening today?

Well for starters I am getting caught up on laundry - haven't been able to do anything last week so I need to catch up on housework this week.  And lots of stuff needs to get done fast because Thursday is the first day of Jessica's pageant weekend.  Holy smokes.

My baby girl is doing a pageant.  She is a state finalist.  My sweet baby Jessica is a Miss Virginia National American Miss State Finalist.  I am so very proud of her and am wishing her all the luck in the world.  My only hope is that she doesn't freeze up and refuse to go on stage when the time comes.  I really need her to learn how to have more self confidence.  She needs to trust herself.  She needs to know she can do anything she wants to.  Most importantly; she needs to believe in herself.

Even so if she does nothing right and my biggest wish is that she just enjoy herself and learn to trust in who she is.  I will still love and adore her no matter what.

We have her evening gown ready and her interview outfit ready (well, almost.  I have to make a thicker belt for the dress to look right).  I will need to get everything packed away on Wednesday.  Thursday afternoon we take the drive up to Reston for Registration and back home that evening.  Up super early Friday morning for hair and then hit the road to be there in time for Orientation.  Friday will be her big day - evening gown and introductions.  We'll stay at the hotel on Friday night to get a good start on Saturday morning.  Then the big finale on Saturday evening.

We'll need to really practice her dance routine when we figure out what her moves will be (should find that out on Thursday).  I've been wondering if I should enter her into a few photo shoot contests like we did Samantha last year.  Would like to give her the opportunity to get at least one or two trophies.

Either way we will need to get the trophy shelves up in both girls rooms this week.  Maybe I'll get started on that today after finishing laundry and cleaning bathrooms.  Maybe.  I'll have to see how I'm feeling considering I haven't been able to do much all of last week.

Oh, and I just have to say, I kind of missed working out last week.  Maybe I'll run downstairs and get a mile or two in on the treadmill.  Wonder if that will make me feel better or worse?  Guess I'm about to find out.

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