
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Now THAT's how you clean house.

We've had a lot of snow days lately.  I mean a LOT.  As a matter of fact, last week the girls managed exactly one half day at school.  Half.  Just one.  Friday to be exact.  Pitiful.

Follow up to that almost non-existent school week was Monday off and a half day on Tuesday.  And if the weathermen actually get tonight's / tomorrow's forecast right we may be looking at another snow day tomorrow.  I love snow days but this is getting to be slightly crazy.

However, if you are going to have snow days you might as well make them useful and productive.  So both girls and I did exactly that on Sunday.  We spent the entire day cleaning house so they could have friends over on Monday.  The house hasn't been this clean in years.  Follow THAT up with a little of my own cleaning house today and you have the makings for a pretty great week.

For far too long now I've been trying to unload some of the girls clothing they have grown out of.  With sizes ranging from 2T up to 5 I've had way too much of this stuff blocking my office entrance for far too long.  I've been posting them on Facebook yard sale sites but haven't had much luck unloading any of it.  A piece here.  A piece or two there.  But nothing significant enough to say I've made some progress in getting rid of the clutter.

Today I changed that.  After watching and observing how others were posting their kids clothing online I decided to give "lot" selling a try.  And man, oh man, did that sell.  To begin with I broke down all the clothing into sizes, then into seasons.  Each piece was sold for $.50, so if I had 10 pieces of 3T summer clothing I sold the entire lot for $5.

By the end of the day I had emptied two storage bins and cleaned off my clothes rack.  The $70 I pocketed at the end of the day wasn't too shabby either.  And now I can cheerfully enter my office without tripping over stuff or having to step gingerly around things.

I literally cleaned house.

Tomorrow I am hoping to sort through Samantha's closet and see what I can unload from her room.  Either the items will go to Jessica as hand-me-downs or I will try putting enough stuff together for a lot sale.  I would love to do the same thing for Jessica's closet as her clothes are not ones we can hand down to anyone else.  If it goes as well as it did today then I will be ecstatic.

In the meantime I have to cross fingers that my car battery holds out long enough to get to the school for Samantha's IEP meeting.  I really am not wanting to replace the battery just yet so if I can hold out until the beginning of the month that would be great.

If not, then the $70 I pocketed today will find a new home in the hands of an auto battery dealer.  Oh well.  At least it's money well earned and well spent.

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