
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What A Day

There was a lot going on today but most of it was focused around clearing out the clutter.  I have boxes upon boxes of girls toys, and clothing, and household stuff that I've been trying to unload on Facebook yard sale sites for some time now.  Unfortunately I haven't had much luck and its not hard to see why when you are competing for the 30 second attention span of some 3000+ group members.  Considering I am a member of more than half a dozen groups you would think I could unleash more than I have but not so.

In a last ditch effort; a hail Mary attempt to clear out the clutter I put together a photo album of everything I thought I could unload for $1 and low and behold, I actually sold stuff.  Not a ton.  Actually, not even a lot compared to what one would think could be sold when everything you're offering up is $1, but still, I sold.  And that is a step forward.

A step towards clearing out stuff that has been residing in my office; stuff that has been covering every inch of John's antique car in the garage; stuff that has been lying in boxes for the past two years.  All kinds of stuff found a new home today and I am feeling better already.  Tomorrow is a new day and I'll post the links again along with some individual pics of items I am hoping to see go bye-bye rather quickly.  If I can get rid of all the girls clothes, for a mere $1 a piece, I'd already have re-cooped the monetary value of my sanity.

Tomorrow my goal is to unload more stuff on the yard sale sites.  I also need to get started on our annual budget - which I have not touch in more than two years.  Also, the paperwork in here is beginning to resemble the desk of Albert Einstein so I had better start organizing that mountain before I get lost just walking through the door.  All that and I have GOT to get caught up on laundry again.  Seems that is a never ending chore of repetition.

I could complain there are so many things to get done and I never have enough time to do it all, but honestly, who doesn't have a billion things happening at the same time with a limited supply of time?  Instead of complaining about it I'm going to look at it as an opportunity to focus my mental strengths onto my physical needs.  I love to organize and my office is in dire need of a deep cleaning.  What could be better than that?

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