
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ugg !!!

No.  Not those hideous furry things every tween / young adult has been hanging off their feet lately  Ugg, as in that's what I have felt like for the past two days.  UGG.

One good thing about me getting sick is I always go down fast and hard but rarely do I stay sick for long.  Just two days of feeling like I got hit by a semi compared to the entire week it took John to get over his bout.  And the girls have been sick off and on for months now.  Constant coughing and sneezing, leaking noses and headaches that just don't seem to fade over time.  Me.  Nope.  I am fine one minute and laid out like a wet rag the next.

Sunday morning started out fine.  I woke up at my usual 4am (roughly) and went about my daily activities but as the day progressed my "ugg" feeling grew to overwhelm any desire to get something constructive done for the day.  By the early evening hours I was laid out in my recliner trying to ignore the wiped out feeling that comes from being sick.  Not even a day long marathon of my DVR shows on Monday could bring me some comfort.  Most of Monday was spent snoozing off and on, whether it was in bed until 1pm (which I NEVER do) or curled up on my favorite recliner.  I just wasn't moving and had no desire to either.

Thankfully today is nothing like the past two.  John woke me up around 4pm as usual and we bantered back and forth about whether or not he was going to go in to work today or stay home.  Considering the not-so-trustworthy weather forecaster for our area is calling for 6-8 inches of snow later today, and the local school system has already decided to close in preparation for that weather front we opted to have him home one more day.  Good call on our part as an hour later hubs informs me "Belvoir is closed."

So far it has been a much more productive day than the past two and we are only five hours into it, but the dishes have been cleaned and loaded into the dishwasher; the counters have been cleaned; the table cleared and wiped down.  The glassware has been put away in the bar along with the numerous bottles of liquor.  Even managed to purge a couple of items.  With much to-do from hubs that is.  Progress in comparison to the past two day in which absolutely nothing got done in the realm of cleaning.  Not even the dishes.

My goal for today is to gut my office and re-organize it so I can get the taxes started and put myself in a better "working" frame of mind for when I actually get around to doing mom's business stuff.  That means having to take almost everything out of my office, then finding a suitable "home" for it before it gets put back.  Once I have my furniture situated I should be in a better frame of mind for putting away all this paper.  And at long last I really want to get back to using my NEAT.  That thing was a god-send for clearing out paper clutter and I always felt better when I wasn't surrounded, or rather, drowning in papers and stuff that needs to be somewhere other than my desk or office floor.

So with a goal in hand off I go to make things happen.  I'll post before and after pics later of my re-organized office.


Most people have a junk drawer.  We have a junk room.  And unfortunately it has taken place inside the confines of my home office.

Hidden under all that 'junk' is a chair.  Yep.  I promise, its really there.  All that stuff in the way.  So many days spent climbing over it just to get to the computer desk.  Actually, these pics aren't the worst its been as you can actually see the desk and a somewhat clear path to it.

Although I am far from done today saw much progress in just organizing where stuff would end up at.

If you look closely at the before pics you'll notice the bottom of the drapes I had attached to the inside of the doors peeking out.   At first these drapes were meant to give me some privacy from the girls as they were always in there, or staring at me through the doors.  It drove me nuts so to stop them from constantly bothering me in there I put the drapes up.  After a while I became thankful the drapes were there - not for the privacy but for the mere fact that I could close the doors and prevent any embarrassment coming from someone actually seeing what a disaster that room had become.

One of the first things to change was the drapes.  They are gone.  No more will I hide behind the curtains, hoping to not be bothered or to use them to hide what a mess the room is.  Instead I have decided its time to open things up and make the room accessible to the rest of the house instead of being designated as the 'junk room'.

Notice I actually found the chair.  See, I told you it was there.  Buried under all that crap.  One shot I didn't get a before of was the front of the room, or the view of the doors.  Oh well.  You can guess what a mess that was before.  Here's the after shot.....

There are seven plastic containers full of yard sale items that I am trying to get rid of.  If you look through the glass doors you'll see a stand of clothing that is full of girls clothes.  These are all the things that I am trying desperately to unload.  And that's not everything.  Sitting in the dining room is more stuff to unload.  I just haven't gotten around to gathering it all together.

Like I said, it is far from done, but today gave me a great big step in the right direction.  If I can get the girls in bed before 9pm tonight (no school tomorrow so they get an extended bedtime) then I might take the time to go through the papers I managed to sort through and see what bills need to be paid and what is ready to be filed away.

Its a work in progress and I don't expect to have it completed by the end of the week but it sure would be nice.  We'll see.

If I get more done tomorrow I'll post some more pics.  Have a great night everyone.

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