
Friday, January 3, 2014

Two Days

For those who don't know just how much I hate laundry and dishes:  Waking up two days in a row to clean kitchen feels amazingly calming.  I actually LIKE my kitchen now.

Granted, there is still a bunch of stuff on the island but the mere fact that I didn't walk into the kitchen and fumble around last nights dinner dishes just to reach the coffee pot made me want to put the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher immediately after breakfast.

Two days into the new year and I'm feeling good about a clean kitchen.  Now that monster is no longer hanging over my shoulder today I can focus on other the four inches of snow we unexpectedly got last night.  :)  Oh yeah.  Its a play day.  Snowmen must be made.  Sledding must be done.  Hot chocolate must be enjoyed.  I simply must be.

Later today Samantha and I are going to be working on her school business project.  As a second grader her assignment for class (learning the basics of economics) is to create a business plan and make a product to sell at school to other students.  Samantha settled on making corner bookmarks so later today she and I will venture over to Michael's and acquire some pretty stock paper.  Then we'll spend the rest of the day putting together packages of bookmarks to sell at her school.  We also have to work on her business sign and logo.

Lots to do today so off I go to get things moving forward.

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