
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

101 Things To Do This Summer - Part I

Yep.  That's what the girls and I are working on this year.  And this weekend we managed to check off a few of them already.

First; here's the list so far:

  1. go fishing 
  2. go fishing at night
  3. go swimming
  4. go camping 
  5. pick veggies at a you-pick farm
  6. pick fruit at a you-pick farm
  7. go to a fair / carnival 
  8. go watch the Washington Nationals play (Scheduled for August 11th)
  9. ride go-carts
  10. build and plant a garden box
  11. go bowling
  12. spend the entire day in DC
  13. tour a historic site 
  14. go to the Aquarium
  15. ride the Metro train
  16. go to Dinosaur Land
  17. go on a picnic
  18. see a covered bridge
  19. catch fireflies
  20. dance in the rain
  21. visit the Natural Bridge
  22. play with Butterfleies at the Natural Bridge
  23. visit a candy factory
  24. go to the beach
  25. see a horse race live
  26. climb a lighthouse
  27. go skating
  28. go ice skating
  29. visit a botanical garden
  30. ride a zip-line
  31. play on a playground
  32. ride a merry-go-round
  33. ride a carousal
  34. see the Columbia Space Shuttle
  35. ride a horse
  36. go hiking
  37. visit Luray Caverns
  38. go to a movie theater
  39. play at a swim park - Signal Hill
  40. go to the national zoo
  41. go to a petting zoo
  42. camp out in our own backyard / living room 
  43. go to a live music concert
  44. see a waterfall
  45. pick blueberries
  46. milk a cow
  47. pick lavender
  48. play miniature golf
  49. to the Air and Space Museum
  50. go to a bounce house
  51. visit a nature center / state park
  52. paint pottery
  53. bake cookies
  54. take a paddle boat ride
  55. ride bikes
  56. see a parade
  57. watch fireworks
  58. visit a monument
  59. star gazing 
  60. view stars from a telescope
  61. build a bonfire
  62. see a movie at a drive-in theater
  63. make a tent city with sheets
  64. run a race
  65. ride a roller coaster
  66. visit an amusement park
  67. walk a large mall
  68. visit the Great Bubba (great-grandmother)
  69. do a pinterest project
  70. cover the entire driveway with chalk art
  71. roast smores
  72. join the summer reading program
  73. have a tea party
  74. do leaf rubbing
  75. visit a farmers market
  76. volunteer
  77. eat in Old Town
  78. do a scavenger hunt
  79. run an obstacle course
  80. bead some jewelry
  81. wash a car / bicycle
  82. have a sleepover
  83. have a water balloon fight
  84. do a science experiment
  85. put together a puzzle
  86. visit Josh, Evie, and Elle
  87. visit nana and papa
  88. build a sand castle
  89. make / design a tee shirt
  90. spa day - hair and nails
  91. browse a flea market
  92. review pre-k / 1st grade lessons
  93. preview K/2nd grade lessons
  94. put up a trophy shelf in the girls rooms
  95. do a pageant
  96. do a book report every week
  97. make snow cones
  98. craft class at Michael's Art store
  99. join the Girl Scouts
  100. play soccer 
  101. fill a time capsule
Whew !!! That's a lot to do and I'm not sure we'll do it all but we sure are going to give it our best shot.  

This past weekend we managed to mark a few things off our fun list.  First - Camping.  We loaded up the gear and the family, even Oscar (our beautiful Husky / Beagle mix dog) and jotted down to Christopher Run Campground for two nights/three days of camping adventures.  Got there Friday afternoon and managed to secure an early check-in.  Sweet.  Since it was our first camping trip as a family we weren't sure what to expect from our preparedness or from the camp site but both were pretty great.  Our particular site was close enough to the water to enjoy it but not so close we had to worry about the girls running down there without us.  And, as is always important with little ones, the bathrooms were well within walking distance but far enough away we didn't have the latrine smell to contend with.  We lucked out and got what was probably only one of few deep sites as we had plenty of room for our camp fire to be far away from the tent and we didn't feel crowded in the least.  Even set up the canopy over the cooking/eating area, which came in handy on Sunday (will explain later).  

Once the tent and site was set up the girls and I took Oscar for a walk.  Nothing too long but enough to know where we were on the site and where other facilities were located.  Dinner was the expected hamburgers but we have fried potatoes to go with and they were yummy.  Of course hubs didn't last much longer than that so off to bed he went while the girls and I continued to enjoy the sights and sounds of camping.  We even got an unexpected surprise when we were visited by fireflies.  Of course this meant we just had to try catching them, which I did.  I say "I" because for some reason I was afraid the girls would squash them so I did all the catching for them.  We put the fireflies in an empty bottle and watched the lightshow.  After a while the girls were getting tired and we decided it was time to let our little friends go free.  Then it was off to bed for all.

 The campsite with fire pit way, way in the back.  

Night one was horrible on my legs - the cot wouldn't stretch out properly so my fabric wasn't as tight as it should have been, causing the cot to be about six inches shorter than it should have been.  Several times during the night I woke up to a tingling feeling in my toes only to discover my entire let was asleep.  And my hip didn't fair much better but it wasn't killing me.  I just figured making some minor adjustments would take care of that.  

Ok, gotta go get the camping gear put away and the laundry started.  Be back later with Part II.  

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