
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

101 Things To Do This Summer - Part II

Hello again.  Time for Part II of our fun list, but first lets re-visit that 101 Fun list and see what we can mark off:

4.   go camping
19. catch fireflies

Ok, two down and plenty more to go.  So where was I?  Oh yeah.....camping day two.

So, as expected John wakes early.  By early I mean he's bored to tears by four a.m. because he can no longer find quite things to keep him busy.  So of course I'm up early.  The girls however, get to sleep late.  Hubs and I putter around for a while getting things organized and then breakfast - yum.  Sausages, eggs, and hashbrowns - there's just something about camp cooking that makes everything taste so much better.

The girls finished breakfast without so much as a whimper.  Normally its torture to get them to eat everything, but not today.  Before you knew it there were two empty plates.

We had meant to get the boat and tie it to the docks at Christopher Run but that never happened on Friday so we were hoping to do it on Saturday so we could cruise the lake, take the girls rafting on the inflatable, and do a little fishing.  But alas, it never happened.  Seemed no one was up for the task of preparing the boat so we didn't get to do those things.  What we did do was rest and relax.  John took a nap and the girls and I explored the campground a bit.  We even managed to find a small playground with a merry-go-round on it.  AWESOME !!!

There were some older kids playing on it and the girls joined in.  After a while I became the "go" girl with pushing the merry-go-round again and again.  It was a really good workout for me and a great time for the kids.  Back and forth between the swings, the slide, and the merry-go-round they went before deciding a much needed drink was in order.

So back to the site we went to enjoy some down time and a bonfire.  Yep, the Lee man was at it again with his fire skills.  Nothing too huge considering we were in a campground, but for a campground - it was definitely a bonfire.

Dinner, then more catching of fireflies (this time with daddy), followed by a long time camping past-time - smores.  Who goes camping without smores?  Not us.  And they were a hit with the girls.  Soft and gooey marshmellows, warm melted chocolate, and crispy graham crackers.  Yu-um-my !  The night finished up with some quite time of drawing and coloring before off to bed.  The cot situation wasn't any more pleasant considering I woke with a terrible ache in my hip and my back was really beginning to tighten up on me.  If I was hurting this bad I was really beginning to wonder how John was feeling.  But he seemed to fare better than I as his cot was at least stretched tight (guess he had better tension and support).

Sometime during the night it began to sprinkle and John woke me (unintentionally) with the sound of moving stuff.  I bolted up to go help and I'm thinking my hip and back was not very happy with me at that point.  Oh well.  Things had to be moved to avoid getting soaked.  I did get pretty much everything either under the canopy or inside the tent and hubs was happy I saved the lawn chairs from a good soaking - he needed something to sit in and the picnic table wasn't going to cut it.  Sunday morning I woke to the sound of a heavier rain.  Yep, a real rainstorm.  Fantastic.  Wasn't prepared for that.

But we were pleasantly surprised the tent did not leak much at all considering there was no fly covering it.  Just a few spots where the threads got soaked and began to drip but aside from that everything was dry.  Breakfast was served before we began tearing down the site.  Since checkout wasn't until noon we decided to take our time about it and all was going well until we nearly had a fire - and not the one in the firepit John managed to keep going despite a down pouring.  Nope; stupid me asked Samantha to lay the cover to the camping stove on the picnic table and she did.

Now any normal kid would have laid it in an open space or if there wasn't one would have laid it on the bench seat.  But not our Samantha.  I do love her but sometimes I find it hard to not get upset at the things she does.  Just the night before she took a tumble because she wouldn't stop running around in the dark and tripped over Oscar's chain - gashed her palm and both knees.  And Sunday; she did what I told her to do without thinking and we could have easily have lost it all.  The unfortunate downside of APD (one of many that is) is that Samantha doesn't "pay attention" to her surroundings, so when she laid the stove cover on the table she did so without noting there was a lighted mosquito candle burning.  Luckily John discovered the bag and managed to save it although it now sports a nice dime sized hole with a melted section the size of a softball.  Of course this sets John off into a hissy and the leisure packing took on a whole new sense of urgency.  Cleaned, packed, and gone in under an hour.  Thankfully the incident was forgotten after a while and we managed to enjoy the rest of the day - despite the rain.

Apparently I am going to have to post a Part III to finish this up as I am trying not to make these posts too long, but first - more things to mark off our 101 Fun list.

31 Ride a merry-go-round
61 Build a bonfire
71 Roast smores

And lets go ahead and mark off # 72 Join the summer reading program.  Did that last week before we went camping.

More to come later but for right now I need to keep unpacking and cleaning.

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