
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Table for 16 - Never mind

When I found out we were prego with Jessica and when she was due to make her arrival I really begged, pleaded, and prayed that she not make it on the 4th of July.  I was seriously hoping she would wait the full 40 weeks but alas, like my other two children, she came early - two weeks early; making her big debut on the 6th of July.  At first I was okay with her not coming on the 4th but as the years have passed we have found it harder and harder to get friends together for a birthday party that weekend because, well lets face it, everyone makes plans to not be home then.

For her third birthday we didn't do much as we were still getting settled into the new house.  Her fourth birthday party was a mermaid theme here at the house, but because of her birthday date we had to push her party out til the end of the month.  This year we chose to do it earlier, hoping to have it shortly after school let out that she would have more opportunity to have friends show up.

What a disaster that was.  Of the 20 invites that went out (two of which went to family) only three of Jessica's school mates thought enough of her to show up for her birthday party.  She worked so hard on the gift bags - hand drawings on each and every one.  She spent so much time putting the items in each of them and making sure they all had a ribbon.  She was so excited.

There were four people Jessica really wanted to celebrate with - Sophia, Kathryn, Vivian, and Kaitlin.  Vivian and Kaitlin showed and for that I am grateful - these two little girls were her BFF's in pre-school so that really made her day.  I has spoken to Sophia's mom and dad the week before, reminding them of the party and was assured they would be there - no show.  I texted Kathryn's mom the invite but never heard a peep back.  These two little girls were supposed to be her friends but neither bothered to show or explain why they wouldn't be there.  At least Christopher's mom was nice enough to tell us they wouldn't be in town.  What a disappointment to only have three kids show.  Honestly, I think I"m more upset at the fact that next to no one showed than she is.

In the end I have to come to grips with the fact that my sweet Jessica will never have a grand birthday party to share with her classmates simply because she was born at the wrong time of year.

But, the parties she has will be great.  This year she got to be an honorary Black Belt and she got to cut her cake with a real Samurai sword.  She may not have had many friends to share that experience with but the ones who were there got to see something pretty cool.  And they all seemed to love the day.

So, many thanks to Vivian, Kaitlin, and Nathan for sharing my sweet babies special day with her.

And to my sweet baby girl.  It may not be your birthday today but it was just as important.  I wish I could have made it more than it was but I sincerely hope you had a good time with your friends and that you will remember how much you enjoyed yourself today.  We love you so very much and are so very proud of all you have done in such a short five year span.  You make me one proud mamma.

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