
Friday, June 28, 2013

Finding a way

When things turn to do-do around here we always find a way to get through it.  This latest turn of events - John's pending job termination - has me thinking of ways to get my foot in the door for a job but as hard as I have tried, finding a decent paying job that will cover the cost of daycare for the girls is a hell of a lot harder to find than one would think.  So I'm re-thinking that venture and looking for an evening position where hubs can watch the girls at night and I can take care of them in the day.  That way we can avoid as much child care costs as possible.

In the meantime I need to find ways to pull our financial resources together.  For starters - raising the temp on the thermostats.  Sorry hubs, but considering the impending doom we are faced with we need to cut corners as much as possible if we are going to make it through this and that means, unfortunately, being a little less comfortable than usual.

That also means unloading as much of our "stuff" as possible.  So this morning I posted a few items on a local FB yard sale sight hoping to unload one or two things.  And it worked.  I met with one mom who bought a set of 2 DVD's for $7 and another mom will be taking a booster seat for $10 this afternoon.  I posted 2 other DVD's and got one hit but no confirmed sale, and another booster with a possible sale this evening or tomorrow.  Guess I wasn't expecting such an active response so I figured I might as well try unloading more. The elliptical is now on there as well as both copier/printers which have been in the garage collecting dust for way too long.

I'm thinking maybe tomorrow after Jessica's b-day party I may come home and grab down all those boxes of kids clothes and see if I can get those on there.  The more I can get rid of the more money we will have to pay bills and keep us afloat for as long as possible.  I am seriously hoping to make enough to make hubs feel better about the job situation.  He is feeling really, really down right now and even said he regrets leaving General Dynamics for TMA.  I understand what he is saying but honestly I'm not sure GD would have kept him on considering they recently laid off hundreds of people in VA alone.

Ok, so things are dark and seem destined to make our life hard, but I'll be damned if I'm going to stop trying to get us through this shit.  Even if it means I have to take a job flipping hamburgers.  Something is better than nothing but I am hoping for a job to come through that is more than something better.  And I'm seriously praying to every deity out there that John manages to land a job that is way better than the crap he had to deal with at TMA.

As a matter of fact, I'm hoping he lands such a good job that when he looks back on the events of this week he realizes how pathetic TMA was and how stupid they acted.  I see a dark and dismal end in sight for TMA and I can't say they don't deserve it.  I honestly thought they were going to treat us better than this given John's worth ethic and skills.  Yeah, it sounds petty, but I am secretly hoping TMA implodes less than 6 months after they let John go.  They deserve it.  In the meantime I need to concentrate on us as a family - being strong for John and letting him know we will make it.  Times have been tough for us and we have finally found our way to being a family so I'm not going to let this crap destroy everything we have built together.

Time to thin out the herd so-to-speak.  Time to get rid of the clutter and crap and turn it into a fortune.


Well the sale on the other 2 DVD's went through today, topping my sales out at $24 for the day.  Not bad when you consider it was less than 30 minutes of real work to take the pics, post the pics, negotiate the sale, and close the deal.  And I've confirmed a $10 sale for tomorrow.

I am hesitant to do too much tomorrow as we have Jessica's Birthday party at 2:30 and I have not even begun to make her cake.  Yeah, genius me.  I know.  I absolutely hate the idea that every time something happens Jessica is the one who seems to suffer the most.  Samantha's party was great - lots of friends, lots of gifts, cake was made in plenty of time; but poor Jessa seems to get the short end of the stick every time and I really hate it.  Actually I'm quite sick of it.  Sick and tired of not being able to give both girls equal opportunities to enjoy the same events.

Jessa's pageant is coming up and we haven't even begun to practice her introduction.  By this time last year Samantha was practicing every day - her walk, her intro, her dress rehearsals.  Jessa - nothing.  And not because I haven't wanted to but because every time I think things are settled enough to get stuff done so I can spend more time with the girls something awful happens and I find myself taking three steps backwards.  I really wish things were not as crazy as they are now but I'm doing the best I can with what I have.

So instead of shafting poor Jessa yet again I'm off to bake her a cake.  She has requested a Barbie ballarina princess cake so I have to come up with one that can be cut using a samurai sword.  Yes.  A real sword.  Don't worry.  There'll be pics.

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