
Thursday, June 27, 2013

And then it happened....

The sky fell.

Just when you think things are beginning to turn around and life will finally be good again everything starts to crumble.

Last night I spent two hours being lied to by the new Program Director at Jason Yi's TaeKwonDo College in Gainesville.  Yes, I meant to call out that particular branch by name because while I knew of issues between employees, as a parent of two students there I would have been completely unaware of these issues if it had not been for a friend telling me of them.  Even though every company has employee issues I just never expected this one to become such a drama show.

Last week my self-defense instructor was out on vacation so there was no SD class.  Odd to say the least because as a company with multiple branches locally you would think they would have a back-up instructor to take her place in case of an absence.  This company, however does not.  So when I showed up last week to do the afternoon class I was reminded of her absence by Master Young.  No biggie right?  Its one class, and I signed up for an entire year of classes so missing one wouldn't be that big of a deal.  Not so.  Last night the girls and I went to class and at 5:30 I wanted to ensure Ms Tracy would be there.  Between 5:30 and 7 pm the new PD lied to me a total of 6 times.  Seriously.  No joke.  Six lies.  She repeatedly told me Tracy would be there when all along she knew that not only was Tracy not coming that night, but Tracy would not be coming any other night as well.  Let me back up a little to last Wednesday.

When the girls and I showed up for class at 1pm we were reminded that Tracy was on vacation by Master Young.  Little did we know at that very moment he was clearing out his office because upper management had chosen to move him to their Woodbridge location.  WHAT?  Why?  A little birdie tells me the issues between employees caused upper management to move Master Young so they could "keep an eye on him". That sucks because Master Young is one awesome guy who always went out of his way to greet myself and the girls when we showed up for class.  And if the girls were having issues he was always nearby to unruffle their feathers and get them re-focused.  Disappointed to say the least.  But we would live as employee changes tend to happen.  But the new PD they put in his place absolutely sucks with public relations.  She has been there an entire week and not once has she spoken to us or even made eye contact.  She goes out of her way to ignore us.  I've really begun to feel like a lepper.  So last night when I asked her about the SD class status I was not expecting to be lied to.  Again and again and again.

I knew at 5:30, when I asked her if Tracy was going to be there at 6pm, that Tracy was not going to be giving SD classes any more because the little birdie had told me this at 4:30.  So imagine how pissed off I was when I realized that this woman had lied to my face knowing all along the truth.  Now when you lie to me and I know you are lying, but you don't know I know, I'm going to test you to see just how far you are willing to take the lie.  And this chick took it far.  Way too far.  5:30 she lied saying Tracy would be there at pm.  6pm she lied saying she would be there but class didn't start until 6:15.  Ok, class does start at 6:15 so I'll give her that one, but 6:15 came and went.  6:20 I asked again and she tries double talking her way around the situation.  6:45 - pretty obvious there will be no class but she now wants to call Tracy to see where she is and why she didn't show.  7pm I had to go back again and ask for a status update.  Was told Tracy wasn't answering.  That was probably the only the true statement she made to me all night.  Then she proceeds to hand me a questionaire to fill out telling me she will take it to upper management.  Yeah, like I believe you now after you have lied to me for the past 1.5 hours.  NOT !!!  But I take the form and go start filling it out.  At 7:15 she comes to me (for the first time ever) and says "I have to leave for my dinner now."  SERIOUSLY???  You have a customer in your face for nearly 2 hours with an unresolved problem and the most important thing you can do is leave for dinner?  Well I hope you enjoyed it because bitch, its on.

I don't take kindly to being lied to.  I can accept you ignoring me but when you disrespect me and insult my intelligence with such arrogance you can bet someone's gonna hear about it.  I talked to Tracy today and was told the new PD knew the SD classes were not happening anymore as of Monday so why didn't someone call me and say something on Monday?  Or Tuesday?  Or Wednesday?  Nope.  I had to find out from a friend what the situation was and then I had to get in touch with Tracy to get the truth.  Now....I'm pissed.

I paid a small fortune for my girls to attend a TKD academy where they were being taught honor, respect, and good morals, and for the past few months they were learning exactly that.  But the staff changes this past week have proven the morals are not good ones, there is no honor, and the one person who should be most respectful of every individual there couldn't give a rats ass about any of us.  Well fine.  Its your business and you have a right to make any staff changes you desire without the consent of the parents of the students you teach.  That said I have the right, as a consumer, to demand a full refund for all unused classes by myself and my children as I will not expose them to a morally corrupt individual who has no idea how to teach the respect she demands.  So when I finally do get a call back (if I don't have to go down to Woodbridge and demand a face to face) they you can bet your sweet ass I'll be walking out with a full refund of my money and a long list of people who I will ensure know what kind of organization you are running.

Hope your new PD enjoys her job because without us parents to bring our children to your business, I can only imagine there will be pink slips for everyone very shortly.

Now that I've got that off my chest I wish I could say I felt better but that is quite impossible knowing hubs just got his own pink slip.  THIS SHIT SUCKS !!!  What the hell?  Finally, I can relax.  Finally I'm beginning to feel like things will get better and we are finally out from underneath the mountain of financial debt only to be slammed into a wall of reality.  THIS is exactly why I used to never let my guard down and why I was always so possessive of my belongings - because you never know when someone will stick a knife in your gears and ruin everything good you've got going.

So instead of that fun filled fantastic summer I had planned it looks like I'll be searching for an evening job to keep us afloat.  With no savings and a 401K that was nearly wiped out we have nothing to fall back on except more credit debt - the very thing we just managed to get out from under.

Damn, sometimes I really think selling everything and moving to Aussie is a much better choice than what we are dealing with now.  Thanks to Obama and his minions this country has turned to crap and we are now among the ranks of the millions of others who are suffering the countless acts of his stupidity and arrogance.  Perhaps I should just denounce my citizenship and become an illegal.  At least then we would qualify for all the government assistance they give away to people who don't even belong here in the first place.

Ok, enough venting.  I need a plan of action.  My resume has been out for a while but apparently I'm not qualified for much more than selling insurance and I hate selling and I despise insurance.  So flipping hamburgers at night - better than nothing I guess.

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