
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Whew......What a day.

The morning was a little hectic but things finally got on track; even managed to get the laundry done after double checking the opening times for the library and discovering I was off by an hour.  Better yet, I stole back 2 hours when my Self-defense classes got cancelled this week.

The ever growing mountain of papers in my office met their demise this morning at the blades of my new shredder.   All that shedding and not a tear drop around.

The trip to the library was a little more than a success.  Samantha and I got new library cards but Miss Jessa will have to wait until she has celebrated her 5th birthday to qualify for one.  Then we scoured the shelves for books and the girls got signed up for the Summer Reading Program.  As a result they both netted some pretty decent rewards - COUPONS = a free kids meal at Cici's Pizza; BOGO ice cream cones at Pickle Bob's; free kids meal from Golden Corral; a  prize from SwimKids plus a coupon for $10 off a session of their Summer Swim Camp; and a free Grandstand admission voucher to watch the Potomac Nationals play the Carolina Mudcats on August 11th.  And every week they can go back for more / different coupons.  How awesome is that?

A quick bite at home then it was off to TKD for my afternoon self-defense class.  Did I mention I was taking a course in self-defense?  No?  Well, I am.  And its awesome.  Tracy is the instructor and she is teaching us all kinds of useful things.  Things that I can pass along to the girls should it ever be necessary to teach them how to break someone's finger if they are trying to choke you.  Not a pleasant thought but lets face it, today's society is full of sicko's and I'd personally rather have my girls ready for the worst but hope for the best.  Again I digress but you knew I would.  :)  Anyhow, that's when I found out classes were canceled for the week.  So the girls and I headed home to pitch a couple of tents and air out sleeping bags.

When you're on the run a lot dinner always seems to suffer.  Oh well.  I'll get better with time management as time goes by.  Of course that was not the case when leaving for TKD this evening as we didn't even leave the house until after 4pm.  Silly me, for some reason thought Jessa's class was at 4:30 when it was actually at 4pm.  Oops.  All is well though.  Only a minute or two late and she did great.  Samantha did her class at 5:15 then it was home for dinner (normally we would have stayed for my 6pm SD class).  I hate eating late but feeding the girls before TKD only creates stomach aches and bad attitudes.  I may hate eating late but I really despise bad attitudes more.

All in all, a very successful and productive day.  Only a few adjustments to make to my daily schedule and it should run like a finely oiled machine.  Just the way I like it.  So what's on the list for tomorrow you ask?  Shopping, of course.  Grocery shopping that is.

Tomorrow will be spent doing some last minute organizing and collecting for this weekend's camping event, but to ensure we have food I'l need to hit the local grocery store and stock up on juices, water, and other essentials.

As of this moment the girls are playing nicely in Samantha's room so I'll take that over arguing any day.  But, I had better point them in the direction of their pillows soon or they won't wake at a reasonable hour tomorrow.  Shopping with two tired and grouchy females is as bad as bunking in an open room with 64 PMSing adult females making our way through military basic training - everyone has an attitude and no one cares why.

But gosh darn it - they are cute.

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