
Friday, June 21, 2013

What to do.....what to do.

Yesterday I tried getting Samantha to fill out a paper she brought home from school - "This summer I'd like to......."  The kids are supposed to fill in the blanks (about 20 lines worth) and when they have done it over the summer put a check in the box next to the item.  Not that its mandatory but it is a nice way to get the kids thinking about what they want to do over the course of the next three months.  But getting Samantha to list more than four things was like pulling teeth.  So I had to re-think ways to get her thinking and here is what I came up with.

Instead of filling out yet another form I am going to list a bunch of things to do this summer.  101 things in all.    All I have to do is simply insert it onto my calendar and whala - Summer planned.  This weekend its off to go camping.

Already I'm seeing a better flow of activities with my own schedule.  Yesterday was an up and down the stairs kinda day - that's hard on the knee's especially if you already have issues with your joints.  So after some fine tuning with it last night I got to try it out this morning and oh my!!!  What a difference.  I know it may sound silly to most but when you get as un-organized as I was you need the details to work and today they worked.  A lot better.  What took me almost two hours to get one load of laundry washed, dried, folded, and put away (including wait time for the machines to do their magic) took me less than one hour this morning.  AWESOME.

Now that that's working better I am able to free up some additional time to get some office paperwork done - something I have been neglecting way too long.  Its sad when you have to move a stack of papers just to get to your laptop key pad.  I'd love nothing else than to spend the day gutting this room but alas it will have to wait for another day.

Plans for today include taking the girls over to MamaLue's to retrieve the weapons stash we left there last weekend and to borrow their tent for this weekend.  I'm hoping Papa got a chance to clean my 9mm for me as it was showing signs of damage, and since hubs is the responsible party for weapons cleaning I'd have to say he has been slacking on cleaning mine.  I guess I'll find out today if my baby is healthy again.  Oh, note to self - don't forget the bows and arrows, and target.  I was hoping to set the target up in the backyard this week to do some practice but that didn't happen.  Maybe next week.  Then I guess it really does need to get a tune up.

Other than that, its packing day.  Oh, and shopping day also - gotta make sure we have the necessary supplies for the weekends menu.  Ummmmm.....I'm smelling smore's.  :)

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