
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

101 Things To Do This Summer - Part III

The ride home from Christopher Run was pretty un-eventful - thankfully.  And by the time we reached home the sun had come out again.  Hubs and I proceeded to empty the contents of the truck bed into the garage while the girls proceeded to run circles around who-knows-what inside the house.  I swear we no more than just got the last item off the truck when we hear blood curdling screams from inside.

Now any normal mom would leap from the truck bed and clear the 20' distance to the door in under a second flat hearing such a sound, but when you've heard that same scream time and time again for the better part of five years, even a normal mom tends to roll her eyes and think to herself  "Now what?"  Yeah - I'm that mom, so when hubs walks inside to take care of the issue I'm somewhat thankful I don't have to contend with yet another screaming match between two girls.  That said, being the normal mom I am, when John opens the door and say "I need you. Now."  the last thing I'm thinking about is a "quickie".  So I make my way inside to be informed that one child is up-chucking in the powder room after she left a pile in the living room for us, and the other has jammed her already-loose tooth back into her gums and is still bleeding.  Sweet.  Just want I wanted to deal with today (Sunday).

Trying to asses the damage was not happening as Samantha's tooth was hurting quite a lot and from the looks of it she managed to jam it pretty hard.  Evidently when the girls were chasing each other inside Samantha somehow managed to bury her face into the back of Jessa's head.  I'm not even sure I want to know how.  But instead of enjoying a relaxing Sunday getting caught up on house chores I was now proceeding downtown with one daughter in tow to see if a tooth had to be extracted.  And it did.  And she screamed.  And she cried.  And five minutes later it was all over and you would never have known she was hurt.  Oh to be a kid again with that kind of pain tolerance.

Back at home we put the Tooth Fairy's treasure under her pillow and gave her some meds for the cough and sniffles.  Oh yeah, while we were at the ER we went ahead and had her cough checked out only to discover she has a double middle ear infection.  Well now.  This camping weekend that was so great was ending on a rather sour note.

Of course it would be discovered just how sour the next morning when I found it nearly impossible to get out of bed.  My back felt like horses were dancing on it and my hip hurt so bad I swear if there was a knife handy I probably would have yanked it out myself.  Damn, old age sucks the life out of a body.

Monday was pretty lazy - we spent the majority of the day laid around trying not to move too much.  Anyone watching us would have joked about how pathetic it was two young people acting like two old farts.  If they only knew.

Tuesday was better, but not by much.  At least I was able to move around more anyway.  By Wednesday, I was beginning to feel like the old me again.  Not the "old" me, but the old me.  You know.  The me that could move around without winching in pain.

Thank heaven for pain killers.  And Themrapedic mattresses.

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